Maximilian LIM JAKE YAng
Architecture Degree Works
Building Construction
Building Construction introduces students the principle and technology of building mechanics and construction. It aims to expose students to construction elements and create an understanding of the relationship between site and building construction.
Project 1: Experiencing Construction
In a group of 8, students are to choose and visit a construction site to experience the process of building construction. Students are also required to write a report on our analysis of building construction in the site and understand current construction technology and its elements.
I was responsible on documenting and researching on substructure of the site. Below are my report and sketches.
Project 2: Construction detail and Specification
This final project involves construction detailing from Architecture Studio 2 Project 2b retreat house design. It requires students to generate 3 architectural detailings:
1. Roof
2. Superstructure
3. Joints and Connections
From this, an A2 presentation board which contain these detailed drawings are created. Below is my presentation board.