Maximilian LIM JAKE YAng
Architecture Degree Works
Building Services
In this module students will be introduced to services that are commonly provided in a building, primarily cold and hot water supply, sewerage disposal and treatment, drainage and storm water management, electrical supply, fire protection systems, mechanical ventilation and air-conditioning systems as well as mechanical transportation systems. Students are also made familiar with the basic requirements, planning, coordination and installation of these services besides the regulations especially the ones related to Uniform Building By-Law (UBBL).
Project 1 - Case Study and Documentation of Building Services Systems
Students are given a bungalow plan and are required to demonstrate their understanding on building services onto the building by designing the most appropriate services systems which include:
1. electrical supply system
2. cold and hot water supply system
3. sewerage and sanitary system
4. drainage system
On 2 A2 sized boards, students are to produce appropriate technical drawings while applying building codes into designs.

Project 2
In groups of 6, we were required to choose a studio project done by one of the members and apply basic building services into the building such as:
1. Water supply system
2. Electrical supply system
3. Sewerage systems
4. Mechanical transportation system
5. Mechanical ventilation and air conditioning system
6. Fire protection system
Students are to document their studies onto an A4 sized report.