Maximilian LIM JAKE YAng
Architecture Degree Works
Building Materials
Materials that are used for construction purposes, this module aims to introduce students the properties and purposes of a wide variety of building materials. It creates an understanding for designers to make designs using the right materials with the right properties. Students have undergone several assignments and examinations to enhance the student's understanding on building materials.
This is a 3 credit hour module held over the period of 14 weeks.
Project 1: Solid vs Void 'Shaping light and space'
In this project, student were tasked to create a form and use various types of materials to create the form. We were to explore and experiment the properties of different materials. For example, thin rubbery materials can be curved and wood is hard and sturdy and should not be bent.
Students are to only use 3 different materials to create any form within a volume of 12"X12"X12". The form I structured is created using balsa wood, mounting board and plastic sheet.
Below is my model and concept board.

Project 2: Materiallity of Space: An Experiential Exploration
In groups, students were to select a residential/commecial building and experience and explore the building materials used to build the building. We were tasked to create a mood board and a board explaning the building materials used on the building. Individually, we were to select a space in the building and explain and explore the materials used and design purposes.
The building we chose was a private bungalow located in SS3. It uses a variety of materials in interesting ways.
Below are our concept boards.