Maximilian LIM JAKE YAng
Architecture Degree Works

3. Analysis Presentation Board
Each student were tasked to create an A2 sized, hand drawn and hand-written presentation board containing the research each student had done from the previous analysis report. Below is my completed presentation board.
2.Precedent Study & Analysis Sketches Presentation & Analysis Report
Students were required to do precedent studies through a report containing research and sketches. Precedent study is an approach to help students understand the architecture behind historical buildings.
Precedent analysis questions were to be answered about the reflection on how the spirit of time is reflected on the building, its initial design and concept and how it affects the architecture. Each student were also required to select and conduct specific analysis about the building. My task was to do its building massing analysis. Below are my precedent studies and analysis sketches on the building massing of Reims Cathedral.
1. Online Group Forum
The online group forum is a virtual learning discussion platform for students to discuss and share their research through an online site. Each student were to be in their selected group and were tasked to research on a historical building chosen by our lecturers.
My group were tasked to research on the Reims Cathedral in France and input our research in to the online discussion forum. We used the Taylor's Intergrated Moodle Learning System (TIMES) as our discussion platform. Below are my research on the Reims Cathedral.
Culture & History I
Architecture Culture and History 1 is a module that teaches the chronological story of the development of architecture from the beginning of time to the time period of Enlightenment. This module aims to introduce us the basic architecture theories, concepts, language and etc from the beginning the time of Western civilization to the Enlightenment period. This is a 3 hour credit module conducted over a period of 14 weeks.
Below are my completed assignmentsfor this module.
This module has successfully introduced basic architectural theory through the concepts and intentions of historical buildings. I had also practiced my skills as a part design student by creatively designing a presentation board and sketching. Throught this module, I had expanded my knowledge on not only the architecture on historical buildings, but also on world history.