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Maximilian LIM JAKE YAng
Architecture Degree Works
Community Service Initiative (CSI)- eJournal
Week 1 - Introduction to CSI module and the formation of groups.
The first day of the module started off with an introduction to the module given by Ms Ann. A project brief was then introduced to us and we were tasked to form a project group. This was exciting as this is the first time this architecture course has assigned us to design and create something beneficial for the community using the knowledge we had learnt as architecture students. I had formed a group with Joshua, Natalie, Bryan, Coco, Yik Sin, Sheau Hui and Yushi. With that, we started discussing about our approach to this project.
We had the choice in participating in either one of the beneficiaries: Charitable homes or organization (CH), Community Center (CC), Street Community (SS), or Environment Enhancing (E2). We decided to have our approach focusing towards Environment Enhancing, which is a collaborative community service project by JCI and OCBC bank.
Week 2: CSI Workshop and Site visit
The area we were to survey is located in Metro Prima, Kepong. We were to survey the area and look for the best location with enough opportunities that could help the community around. We walked around the area and talked to the community. Soon, we came across a narrow space in between to lots of shops. It was a good location as the space was used frequently by the local community as a shortcut to the next lane. We listed down the problems at site and the opportunities that can be provided from the space and agreed to choose this space as our site. After that, we measured the site’s basic dimensions and interviewed more people in the area. One of the main problems we noticed at the area was that there was a lack of public seating/resting space, we someone in the area would want to sit and relax they would need to enter a restaurant and spend money. If not, they would rest on informal seating such as on staircases or on planter boxes.
Later, we came up with a proposal that will enliven the space and provide comfortable and attractive seats in the space with the use of colourful canvas shadings and benches.
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Week 3: CSI Workshop on 14th April by Veritas
On this day, there was a lecture conducted by a representative from VERITAS, a highly acclaimed architecture firm in Malaysia. He talked about some of the works his firm had done and how it has helped the community. I was quite impressed with the works done by his firm and tried to relate it to how our own design will be able to help the community in Metro Prima. After his inspiring lecture, we decided to present our proposal to him as we wanted him to comment on how we can improve our design. His comments were focused on the perspective on the community and how they may react to our proposal. It was helpful and we tweaked our design with the comments he had given us.
Week 4: Submission of Initial Proposal
The idea and approach of our design was confirmed among our group. From there, we were to develop a presentation board regarding our proposal. Photoshop was used to develop concept images to help visualize the proposal and to compose the board. AutoCAD was also used to map out the site and the placement of the benches. Then, we decided to call our proposal “VivaCity” as a name to represent to space as a lively, colourful and comfortable area. Feedback was then expected from our tutor after the end of the week.
Below are some draft visuals on what the site could look like.
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Week 5: Discussion to improve the initial proposal
On the fifth week, we had received some feedback regarding the proposal and was suggested that we create a more experiential space. The benches and shading devices were redesigned to a more practical design. Various ways in the construction of the furniture was researched and explored. Then, it was decided that the bench will be constructed using bamboo as the support and timber as the seat. The shading device will be created using canvas and a waterproofing cover over it. These materials were chosen as they were recyclable, sustainable and easy to construct. There was a problem with the design of the shading device as the tensile shading would have to be mounted on the adjacent buildings. Not only that, we had decided to modify the shape of the tensile covers to a triangular shape to avoid a depression on the canvas which may collect water and attract harmful insects.
Below are some exploration sketches on how we could improve our proposal.
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Week 6: E-poster preparation
This week was focused on the development of the e-Poster. After adjustments were made in the design of the proposals, production of the poster began and each member was given their own tasks in the contribution of the production. I offered to create a 3D model of the site while another group member was assigned to create a model of the benches and the shades. Through this, my understanding of the site was tested and has also increased. After that, I create a visual on what the site would look like with the designs using Photoshop. Our contributions were then compiled together by a group member with a layout and colour scheme that represents our designs.

Week 7: Submission of E-poster
Minor adjustments were made in the poster and submitted by a group member. Due to an increasing amount of submissions, most of us were occupied and the project was resumed to the next week.
Week 8: Site Measurement/ Prototype preparation
During the eighth week of our module, we had a group discussion together in the morning at campus. For our next assignment we had to develop a video about the construction of the design and its interaction with the community. A prototype of our design had to be created for this. We researched on potential stores to source bamboo from and planned our schedule. We discovered a store that sells bamboo and rattan along Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman in Kuala Lumpur, which was the most convenient store of us among the stores we found. A group member and I were tasked to take more accurate measurements of the site on the day while another group was assigned to buy the construction materials for the creation of the prototype. At Metro Prima, I sketched the layout of the site and helped with the measurements.

Week 9: Prototype Making/ Video Filming/ Final Presentation Board
Our attention was towards the making of the prototype model. As there were complications in the attachment of the sun shading device, only the benches are developed. We booked the campus workshop to cut our pieces using the tools there. We then assembled our pieces together using construction techniques learnt online and through our basic understanding in bamboo. It was tough to construct a bench using bamboo but we managed to finish it in time for the video. During the weekend, we travelled back to Metro Prima to install the seating prototype and record the public reaction to it.
My task on this day was to video record the group working at site, the community reaction of the prototype and the surrounding environment. The weather was perfect in relation to the intention of our design as it was hot and sunlight was shown directly at site at noon as we had predicted. I found it interesting to see the reaction of the people towards the prototype. Some adults and children found it fun to just sit on the bench, some found it comfortable and liked the bamboo material and texture on the bench and some did not like it as they felt uncomfortable sitting on it and some just wanted their photos taken on the bench. All in all, I was glad that most of the community had a positive reaction to the space. After we finished what we had to do there, we had our meals and left the site.

Week 10: Final Submission of video, presentation board and E-journal
On the final week of the module, the video clips were uploaded for the video editor and tasks were divided again for the submission of the video and presentation board. My task was to create visuals of the design at site using Photoshop and Rhinoceros as a modelling tool. Besides, I had to do write captions for the videos and translate community feedback of the design into the presentation board and the video. After the compilation of information in the presentation board is finished, we sent to a nearby printing shop to have it printed in A0 size.
All things considered, I have thoroughly enjoyed this project and have learnt a lot from designing for the community. It brings me joy to see people enjoying the improved space that has been renovated for them, even if it is something insignificant as a bench on site. This has been an amazing learning experience for me and hope I will continue to make a positive impact towards the community through architecture and community services in the future.
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